Mama Devlog 7 - Framework pt2

Hey everybody!

If you enjoy this project, please consider becoming a patronto help funding this game!

This update came a little late, so I'm sorry about that! A lot happened in these last 3 weeks and mostly were quite messy, but things are kind back on track now :)
Also, I know the title might sound a little off, but this is actual the 7th devlog (following the ones that I've already posted on Patreon), so just to keep things in sync (and don't screw up with my sanity), this is how the titles will be for now on.

Alright, so for this update we don't have much fancy stuff to show but there's a lot of fancy stuff going on under the hood! 

Shrink the tata is a no-no!! (tap + motion trigger)

Sneaky peaking! o.o (parameter toggle trigger + expression trigger)

o.o (nothing really, just a silly expression)

Aaaaand here's how things are handled:

I managed to create these 3 different types of triggers, they are pretty much what I'd done before, but these are different as they work in a modular way, so I can choose which of them will be used for a specific body part. They also work along with any of the custom LeanTouch components I made for the Live2D model, so it should be pretty handy for this and future projects :)

Speaking of L2D stuff, I managed to do some extra hacking over their original scripts and now the Cubism Look Controller can actually read data from the child objects, in this way I can have more freedom and also allows me to update this controller in real-time, if necessary.

I can't recall if I said it before, but one of the reasons that I'm investing so much time on this framework, is that I don't plan to make use of it just for myself, but release it on GitHub so many of you guys can get right into the important part instead of cracking the head to make these "basic" stuff work :) 

That's it for this update!
much love, washa ❤️

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